
Privacy Policy

We understand that Your privacy is important. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) aims to give you information on how UNext Learning Pvt. Ltd. or Manipal Global Academy of BFSI (“Manipal” or “MGABFSI”) collect, use, share processes and protect personal information that we collect, including on, and each of its respective sub-domains apps, social media, chats (the “Site(s)”), information we collect from websites of our University partners and information we collect from our referral partners. This policy does not apply to physical records provided to us through postal or courier means. MGABFSI is committed to maintain high level of confidentiality with respect to Personal Data or Information of our learner community, visitors, alumni, university partners, employees and faculty and other third parties in accordance with requirements of Information Technology Act, 2000 (as amended) and Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (collectively “Act”). We encourage You to review this Privacy Policy before disclosing any personal information or sensitive personal information. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into our Terms and conditions of our Site(s).

1. Notice

This Privacy Policy is to inform You (“you/your/learner/user/end-user”) of the procedures regarding how we collect, use, share and retain and protect Your Personal Data or Information (“PI”) or Sensitive Personal Data or Information (“SPDI”) that we receive from You through your use of the Site(s), including any data that you provide through the website, that we sign-up for trail of our products and services, participate in our webinar. It is important that you read this privacy policy together with any other privacy policy we may provide on specific occasion when we collect or process Personal Data or Sensitive Personal Data or Information. This Privacy Policy supplements all notices and is not intended to override them. We recognize the importance of PI including SPDI provided to us by a natural person and we collect no personal information about You unless You affirmatively choose to provide that information to us. By interacting with us regarding our services or enquiring about our software programs or during registration for the courses or by providing us with Your information, You consent to the collection, transfer, storage, and processing of Your personal information as stated in this Privacy Policy. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to any unrelated third party. In this Privacy Policy “we” and “us” and “our” and “Manipal”, and “MGABFSI” refers to Manipal Global Academy of BFSI (and incudes UNext Learning Pvt. Ltd.), (collectively “MGABFSI”). Please read the information provided in our products, course, services, websites, applications and software for additional details. This Privacy Policy governs collection and use of PI and SPDI by MGABFSI and does not apply to Third Party or third party websites and MGABFSI does not make any representations about these third party practices and policies.

For the purposes of this Policy, “Personal Data” means your personal data and any personal data of your parents (as applicable for specific services)

Occasionally, we may use certain information that we have collected to send You information about programs or services offered by us.

If You are providing PI and are not a resident of India, Your country’s laws governing data collection differ from those in India, in particular, India may not provide the same level of protection as those in Your own country. By providing information to us, You are transferring Your personal data (including PI and SPDI) to India, and You consent to the transfer to, retention of and processing of Your data in the India.

For the purpose of providing services to You, we may transfer Your personal data (including PI and SPDI) to different jurisdictions, including jurisdictions that may not provide the same level of data protection as Your home country. When You submit PI and SPDI to us You are accepting that such data can be transferred across borders and applicable privacy laws of such territory shall apply.

2. Personal Information we collect

PI for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, refers to any information that relates to a natural person which either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available, is capable of identifying such person. The specific kind of information collected will depend on the products or services used by You. The following are examples of the type of PI that may be collected such as name, date of birth, citizenship, phone number, residential/mailing address, email address, demographic information, academic qualifications or course you are pursuing. your work history.

SPDI for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, shall be the same as defined in the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (the “SPDI”) Rules, as amended from time to time, such as:

  1. Password;
  2. Financial information such as bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
  3. Any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to us for providing specific services; and
  4. Any of the information received under any of the above clauses by us for processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise.

Provided that any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as Sensitive Personal Information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

When You visit the Site, we automatically collect certain information about Your device, including information about Your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on Your device. Additionally, as You browse the Site, we collect information about the individual web pages that You view, and information about how You interact with the Site. We refer to this as “Device Information”.

3. Purposes of Collecting and Processing of Personal Information

MGABFSI will ordinarily collect PI and SPDI that it believes is necessary for any purpose connected with a function or activity necessary to deliver, promote or market services or to carry out primary business functions and/or activities, comply with applicable regulations or in capacity as a counterparty to agreement with individuals. Ordinarily, MGABFSI will collect such PI and SPDI about You when You provide it or You have consented to provide the information, as applicants, through online registration forms, through assessment, events, placement drives, survey respondents, visiting our Site(s). To the extent that information requested is not required for Your participation in a given MGABFSI program /course, You will be told which information is optional. Should You fail to provide optional information certain MGABFSI programs or features of the site may not be available to You. In general, we would be collecting/handling/storing /using or transferring Your PI and SPDI for the following, including but not limited to:

  1. providing agreed services to You
  2. performing administrative functions of your application and registration and/or enquiry of any programs offered by us or our partners; responding to inquiry, made, for example, responding to a specific inquiry or providing you with access to specific course content and/or services you select; and
  3. Tracking both individual and aggregate attendance, progress and completion of a course, and analysing statistics on a learner performance and the manner in which learners learn.
  4. complying with legislative and regulatory requirements

MGABFSI engage other companies and individuals in addition to MGABFSI partners to perform functions on our behalf (each a third party and collectively third parties. They will require access to the Personal Data or Information needed to perform certain limited functions for MGABFSI. We may share PI and SPDI with third parties for legitimate business purposes, including for the following reasons or in the following circumstances:

  • within our corporate family of companies including subsidiaries and affiliates that are related by common ownership or control to enable or support us in providing the MGABFSI services/ courses/ training programs, which involves transferring your data outside India. We ensure your Personal Information is protected by requiring all our affiliates or group companies to follow the same, when processing your Personal Information. These group companies will ensure your Personal Information a similar degree of protection afforded as per applicable data protection laws of India.
  • to vendors or third-parties who deliver or provide goods and services or otherwise act on behalf of or at the direction of MGABFSI, which third parties include, for example certain functions on our Site, including managing our learning management system providers, hosting training materials (viz., videos, presentations, courseware etc., processing information provided to us) training providers, partners, processing other transactions through the Site, providing or administering courses, third party event hosting sites, other third parties who may provide services in connection with other aspects as part of agreed MGABFSI services to you, purchases via third party providers, on web sites that are accessible from links on one of our Site; bank/credit card/credit providing entities processing payment; to MGABFSI employees, officers and directors, program coordinators and also to MGABFSI partners for legitimate interests where appropriate. These parties shall use Your PI and SPDI only for the specific purpose for which we supply the PI and SPDI to them and only in providing agreed services. In case you have been enrolled to any of our courses / training programs basis your direct engagement with our partner organisation customers, who have recommended your enrolment to course / training programs offered by MGABFSI, you have expressly consented directly with such partner organisation customer to share your PI and SPDI with us;
  • with other visitors to the Site, course platform or our mobile learning app, to the extent that you submit comments, blogs, course work, or other information or content (collectively, “Your Postings”) to a portion of the Site, course platform or mobile learning app designed for public communications, and with other members of MGABFSI group/forum of which you are a member to the extent you submit Your Postings to a portion of the Site, course platform or mobile learning app designed for viewing by same classes forum /group members. If we re-post Your Postings originally made to non-public portions of the Site, course platform or mobile learning app or learning management system, we will post them without your real name and email (except with your express permission), however we may use your username without your consent.
  • if You use any our career centre services, Your information may be accessible to potential employer or recruiters;
  • to those who wish to determine if You have completed the training program or course enrolled with MGABFSI, Your certification / course completion status will be shared with those partner organisation customers who have recommended your enrolment to the specific courses / training programs;
  • to investigate potentially fraudulent or questionable activities or transactions;
  • may use Your PI on an aggregate basis to provide third parties with information, such as to help us develop new features and content for the Sites, and to provide and other with aggregate information about our users and the usage patterns of the sites.
  • With the parent company or affiliates of UNext Learning Pvt. Ltd. or with successors in the event of a merger, acquisition, or reorganisation, for their use consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Our Sites, products and applications and services may contain links to other third-party websites, products and services of interest (partner networks, payment gateways, vendor website). MGABFSI Site may provide links to website published by a third parties (including content providers and service providers such as those who process payments on behalf of MGABFSI) who is assisting in or providing certain services as part of program /course. MGABFSI has no control over the content displayed on such third party websites, nor over the steps, that are taken by such third-party websites to protect the privacy of Your information. Once You have used these links to leave our site, we encourage you to read privacy notice of every third party website you visit. Therefore you agree, we will not be held responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which You provide whilst visiting such other third party websites and such third party websites are governed by their own privacy practices of each of those third party websites you visit and use.

The PI and SPDI collected shall be used for the purpose for which it has been collected.

We may also use Your PI and SPDI to tailor Your experiences at our sites, to compile and display content and information that we think You might be interested in, and to provide You with content according to such preferences. We may use your identity, contact, technical, usage and profile data to form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This will enable us to decide which products, services and offers may be relevant for you. You may receive marketing communication (via email, telephone, direct mails, SMS or other method of communications to you) from us, if you have requested information from us or purchased products or services from us, if you have provided us with your details when you participated in a feedback or registered for a trial/evaluation or promotion and in each you, you have not opted-out of receiving that marketing.

While providing PI and SPDI of another natural person to MGABFSI, please ensure that You have the necessary concurrence of that natural person.

Please note that whenever you voluntarily disclose Personal Data or Information online for example on message boards, blogs, emails or in chats areas, such information can be collected and used by others By positing Personal Data or Information online that is publicly accessible, you may receive unsolicited message from other parties in return, for which MGABFSIis not responsible.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

MGABFSI will not use or disclose Your PI and SPDI to a third party otherwise than for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or unless the disclosure is necessary for compliance of a legal obligation or where it is agreed to in the contract with You or as consented by You.

Mandatory disclosures and legal claims: We share personal information in order to comply with any court order or other legal process, subpoena, to comply with a request from our regulators, governmental request or any other legally enforceable demand. We also share personal information to establish or protect our legal rights, property, or safety, or the rights, property, or safety of others, or to defend against legal claims.

5. Access to Your Personal Information

You may review and correct or revise the PI and SPDI You have provided to us for the purpose of ensuring the said information is accurate and where necessary, kept upto date Any of the information that we process that you inform us is inaccurate, is either erased or rectified. Please contact us via should you wish to update, correct or withdraw your consent to collect and use your Personal Information (when you stop using any of our products and services on the Site(s). Please identify yourself and which Personal Data or Information about its use or disclosure is requested. MGABFSIshall not be responsible for the authenticity of the information You have supplied to it or to any person acting on its behalf.

You have the option not to provide MGABFSIwith the PI and SPDI sought to be collected. You also have the option to withdraw the consent given earlier, provided it is sent to us in writing. In the event PI and SPDI which MGABFSIdeems necessary for providing You with any service is not provided or if consent is withdrawn subsequently, MGABFSIreserves the right does not provide You with such services/benefits/amenities.

You have the right to communicate to us any changes to Your PI and SPDI or privacy preferences at any time.

Option Out: You may choose not to receive promotional communications from us by clicking on the unsubscribe link or contacting us as specified in the “Contact Us” section below. Please allow us seven (7) business days for changes to take effect. For certain services and related communications are an integral part of such services to which you subscribe and you continue to receive emails as part of ta particular portion of Services unless you cancel your account on the Site(s), even though you have opted out of the newsletters or email list. In case you have provided more than one email address to us, you may continue to be contacted unless you request to unsubscribe links on any marketing communication for each email address that you have provided.

Our telephone communications with you may be recorded in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By choosing to use our telephone conversation, you acknowledge, agree and consent to terms of this Privacy Policy and the recording of any telecommunication conversation. In case you do not agree to terminate the telephonic conversation immediately and avoid any further telephonically communications.

6. Security and Retention of Personal Information

The security of Your PI and SPDI is important to us, however, no method of transmission over the internet communications or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. We cannot guarantee there will be not a breach of security, and we are not responsible for any breach of security or for the actions of any third parties. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable/reasonable physical, technical electronic and organisational security measures and managerial procedures as per applicable industry practices to safeguard, secure and protect the Personal Information we collect from You against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure, unauthorised access and other unauthorised forms of processing, in accordance with applicable law. All electronic storage and transmission of Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data is secured and stored on managed servers with controlled access and appropriate security technologies. We may at times, use Secured Sockets Lawyer encryption and/or transfer Personal Data in a non-human readable format for adequate protection. We regularly test our website, data centres, systems, and other IT assets for security vulnerabilities to address the same, however, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

The storage mechanisms of the personal information (either in digital or hard copy) while the hard copies are held locally in our office in India and digital copies may be stored on servers which are hosted on the cloud (i.e, AWS servers in Singapore, or India or other cloud service providers and vendors in Singapore, India).

You also have an important role in protecting personal information. You should not share any username, password or other authentication data provided to You with anyone, and we recommend that You do not re-use passwords across more than one website or application. If You have any reason to believe that Your username or password on the Sites has been compromised, please contact us as specified in the “Contact Us” section below.

We will retain Personal Information so long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy. In addition, we may retain and use Personal Information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations and to comply with applicable laws, resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

In some circumstances we may aggregate your Personal Information (so that it can no longer associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information without any further notice to you.

7. Cookies and other technologies

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer (unless You block them). They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular visitor and website and can be accessed either by the web server or the visitor’s computer. MGABFSI Site may use ‘cookies’ and other technologies such as pixel tag and web beacons to identify You. We use third party cookies to understand and save Your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction, tell us which parts of our Site visitors have visited, so that we can facilitate better site experiences and tools in the future and measure the effectiveness of advertisement and web searches. You may disable cookies through Your individual web browser options. We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information. However, to the extent Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information by local laws, we also treat these identifiers as personal information, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. We use session cookies (which exist only in temporary memory while you navigate the Site and delete when you close the web browser) and persistence cookies (which data file is capable of providing Sites with user preferences, settings and information for future visits) to understand more about your activities on the Site(s). You may restrict cookies and pixel tags on your computer or purge cookies from the browser by adjusting your web browser preferences. However when you “turn off”, purge or disable cookies or pixel tags, although you may use the services, you may not be able to use all of the features, functions, or services available on the Sites(s).

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may review, modify or amend this Privacy Policy from time to time at our discretion. When we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will amend the revision date at the top of this page. We encourage You to periodically review this Privacy Policy to be informed about how we are protecting Your Personal Information By accessing this Site(s), after any changes are made, you signify your agreement on a prospective basis to the modified Privacy Policy and any changes contained therein.

9. Contact Us

If You have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy office.

Data Privacy Officer
UNext Learning Pvt. Ltd.
No.14, Manipal Towers, Old Airport Road, Bangalore- 560008

Effective Date: 1December, 2021

1. Types of personal information

  1. Basic data: Name, caste, date of birth, citizenship, origin, phone number, residential/mailing address, email address, contact details.
  2. Government identifiers: Passports, citizenship number, national identity card number, driving license, election identity card number, taxpayer identification number or other identification documents provided by a government authority.
  3. Other data: Where it is necessary for a specific service we are providing to you, it may include data about marital status, or health data (past infections and time of occurrence – only as a preventive measure where you are physically attending office / academic classroom / hostel accommodation / seminars / workshops etc. as part of your training program / course requirements during the event of an epidemic or pandemic outbreak; vaccination status about you and your close family members), information in audio and/or video format (including voice, video recording, closed-circuit television (“CCTV”) and security recording), images or video recordings (including photographs) at office premises / academic classrooms / hostel premises only to be used for security and identification reasons);
  4. Location information: Location information and location tracking; and
  5. Device data: Computer Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, and version, browser plug in types and versions, technology on the devices that you use to access our Sites, unique device identifier, browsing actions and patterns, using cookies and server logs, other data linked to a device, and data about usage of our sites.
  6. Information about how you use our Sites, products, training programs / courses.
  7. Marketing and profile data include your interests and preferences in receiving marketing information about our products, services, training programs and courses and third party, your communication preferences and feedback responses.

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and upto-date. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes, during the period your relationship with us.

2. Sources of personal information

  1. Student or Potential Student: MaGE collects information directly from you or indirectly from your parents/guardians/student referral partners, when you or your parent/ guardians/referral partners send us completed enquiry/application/registration (RFI) forms via various means (including live chats), including online and physical hardcopies at public venues, seminars held at colleges, universities or during your visit to our academic training campuses.
  2. Parent/Guardian of Student or Potential Student: MaGE collects your personal information directly from you or indirectly from your parent /referral partners when you send us completed enquiry/application/ registration forms via various means, including not limited to online on Sites and physical hardcopies at public venues, seminars held at colleges, universities or during visit to our academic training campuses, through promotion or surveys or giving us feedback;
  3. Customer Or Potential Customer: MaGE collects personal information directly from you when you express an interest to be contacted for our Services, programs courses, trainings events, conferences, seminars and / or other marketing activities organised by us or procure our courses or services.
  4. Your use of the Services and/or Products and training programs / courses are due to a business-to-business contract (“B2B”) between MaGE and your employer and/or/ institution. MaGE as a ‘processor’ of your personal data is neither responsible for our B2B customers’ policies and practices related to data privacy and security, nor in a position to respond to requests concerning, the personal data processed by MaGE. Instead your employer / institution as ‘controller’ of your personal data administers your use of each such Services. You are requested to please contact your employer / institution with an privacy related questions related to your use of services and privacy policy governing the same.
  5. Where you as a licensed end-user under the B2B contract with your employer / institution the use of personal data is governed by the services agreement / license agreement together with data processing addendum or clause therein. Where you are a employee and as part of corporate training programs conducted, your employer’s / institutions’ privacy policy and we would be processing personal data of an employee that may be processed by us.
  6. During your interaction on our Sites, we mvii. We also receive Site related analytics and advertising data from various sources as well as other vendor and public sources. Please visit some of the third parties, their privacy policies, like Google analytics, LinkedIn, ay collect automatically Device Data, and you may learn more about our cookies we use and about setting your preferences at Cookie Preference at the bottom our Site page.
  7. We also receive Site related analytics and advertising data from various sources as well as other vendor and public sources. Please visit some of the third parties, their privacy policies, like Google analytics, LinkedIn,

3. Purposes of Collecting and Processing (Including Disclosing) Of Personal Information

  1. Student or Potential Student Parent/Guardian of Student or Potential Student: Your personal information is collected by MABFSI or MaGE as required by law or permitted by law and for various academic; educational and administrative purposes, including processing your application for admission; associated services; collection of training program / course fees; to manage your use of our facilities; to operate our training campuses in a manner which is safe, secure and for maintaining health and safety requirements; analysis of student pattern and choice; to improve our services; improve the website according to your interests; our record management and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations in the conduct of our activities and businesses. We may contact you regarding our product courses and services, upcoming events, promotions, advertising, marketing and commercial materials which we feel may interest you only if you consent to receive such messages.
  2. Customer or Potential Customer and Vendor, Supplier or Service Provider: Your personal information is collected and further processed by MABFSI or MaGE as required or permitted by law and for various business purposes including administering commercial transaction; processing payment for commercial transactions; for audit and security purposes; sending information or contacting about services or any change to services; to improve our services offered; improve the website according to your interests; analysis of consumer pattern and choice; our record management and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations in the conducting of our business. We may contact you regarding our services, upcoming events, promotions, advertising, marketing, and commercial materials which we feel may interest you only if you consent to receive such messages.
  3. Customer or Potential Customer and Vendor, Supplier or Service Provider: Your personal information is collected and further processed by MABFSI or MaGE as required or permitted by law and for various business purposes including administering commercial transaction; processing payment for commercial transactions; for audit and security purposes; sending information or contacting about services or any change to services; to improve our services offered; improve the website according to your interests; analysis of consumer pattern and choice; our record management and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations in the conducting of our business. We may contact you regarding our services, upcoming events, promotions, advertising, marketing, and commercial materials which we feel may interest you only if you consent to receive such messages.
    1. processing data Where registered as new customer or contact – through identifiable contact -in order for performance of services through contract
    2. manage relationship including notifying about changes in terms of privacy policy – identifiable contact – performance of services through contract or comply with legal obligation request for completing a survey or provide feedback – marketing and service quality improvement – legitimate business interest to keep records update and study how students / customers use our services.
    3. Administer and business and Site (data analytics, system maintenance, troubleshooting, data hosting services) – identifiable contact – to enable legitimate business interest. Network security to prevent fraud and comply with legal obligation, provision of IT administrative support.
    4. Administer and business and Site (data analytics, system maintenance, troubleshooting, data hosting services) – identifiable contact – to enable legitimate business interest. Network security to prevent fraud and comply with legal obligation, provision of IT administrative support.
  4. Administer and business and Site (data analytics, system maintenance, troubleshooting, data hosting services) – identifiable contact – to enable legitimate business interest. Network security to prevent fraud and comply with legal obligation, provision of IT administrative support.
  5. We may share your personal data with our Affiliates to receive marketing communication about the Affiliate’s products and services that you may be interested in. Disclosing of personal information to Third parties as per clause 4.0 for legitimate business purposes or in performance of our obligations under the contract with you or your employer, in case they have recommended your name for undertaking a training program / course.
  6. Certain third parties and referral partner, with whom we may promote our training programs, courses or services that we provide. We may also disclose your personal information to third parties, to whom we choose to sell, transfer or merge part of our business or assets, or alternatively we may choose to acquire other business or merge with such businesses, and such owners may use your personal information in the same way as set out in this privacy notice. We might also disclose your personal information if demanded by law

4. Processing of personal information (within or outside India)

We may transfer your personal information to jurisdictions as necessary for the purposes described above, including to jurisdictions that may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country. When you submit personal information to us you are transferring your data across borders.

  1. Affiliates: Your personal information provided to us may be processed by entities (within or outside of India) within UNext Learning Pvt. Ltd. and (including affiliates, related companies, subsidiaries, holding companies, associated companies) in order to provide you with services and in order to administer our relationship with you. We will ensure that your personal information is shared only with our representatives who need to process your personal information in accordance with their requirements.
  2. >Vendor, supplier or service provider: We share your personal information with our vendors, suppliers and service providers to enable such parties to perform functions on our behalf and under our instructions in order to carry out the purposes identified under clause 3 of this Policy. These include facilities management; infrastructure and Information Technology support; printing companies (ID card, student support services such as hostel and catering services); telecommunication companies; contractors, conference / training / event organiser; travel agencies; recruitment agencies; insurance companies, third parties providing placements/ internships (to the extent applicable) as part of your course requirements; third party providing CRM and cloud hosting services; third party consultants who provide us with support in respect of business analytics and marketing campaigns; providers of external venues where we host conferences and events; auditors; lawyers and other advisers. We require such parties by contract to provide reasonable security for personal information and to use and process such personal information on our behalf only.
  3. Mandatory disclosures and legal claims: We will use or share your personal information only when law allows us to do., (a) mostly to provide you services and provide training programs / courses that you have enrolled into, (b) in order to comply with any court order or other legal process, subpoena, to comply with a request from our regulators, governmental request or any other legally enforceable demand. We also share personal information to establish or protect our legal rights, property, or safety, or the rights, property, or safety of others, or to defend against legal claims, protect safety or safety of others, investigating fraud. When personal information is received or transferred pursuant to applicable data protection laws, there could be situation including meeting national security or law enforcement requirements or during infectious diseases of like nature (pandemic or epidemic).
Third Party Websites and Services

Our Sites, products and applications and services may contain links to other third party websites, products and services of interest (partner networks, payment gateways, and affiliates). However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other websites. Therefore, we will not be held responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such other third party websites and such third party websites are governed by their own privacy practices of those third party statements. We encourage you to read the privacy policy or privacy notice of each such third party website that you visit.

II. Cookies and other technologies

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer (unless you block them). They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular visitor and website and can be accessed either by the web server or the visitors computer. MABFSIS’s website, online services, interactive applications, email messages, and advertisements may use ‘cookies’ and other technologies such as pixel tag and web beacons to identify you. We use cookies to understand and save your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction, tell us which parts of our Site visitors have visited, so that we can facilitate better site experiences and tools in the future and measure the effectiveness of advertisement and web searches. You may disable cookies through your individual web browser options. We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information. However, to the extent Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information by local laws, we also treat these identifiers as personal information, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

III. Right to Personal Information and Privacy Preferences

You have the right to communicate to us for update and change in your personal information at any time or privacy preferences at any time by contacting our Privacy office.

You may choose not to receive promotional communications from us by clicking on the unsubscribe link or contacting us as specified in the “Contact Us” section below.

IV. Security and Retention of Personal Information

The security of your personal information is important to us, however, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable/reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures as per applicable industry practices to safeguard and secure the personal information we collect from you. We regularly test our website, data centres, systems, and other IT assets for security vulnerabilities to address the same, we and cannot guarantee its absolute security.

The storage mechanisms of the personal information (either in digital or hard copy) – the hard copies are held locally in India and our sites are hosted on servers in the third party cloud service providers including not limited to AWS or Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud.

You also have an important role in protecting personal information. You should not share any username, password or other authentication data provided to you with anyone, and we recommend that you do not re-use passwords across more than one website or application. If you have any reason to believe that your username or password on the Sites has been compromised, please contact us as specified in the “Contact Us” section below.

V. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may modify or amend this Policy from time to time at our discretion. When we make changes to this Policy, we will amend the revision date at the top of this page. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy to be informed about how we are protecting your personal information.

VI. Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy office.


By visiting the Contact us on our website or

By Email:

By Telephone: +91-80-40789100

Last Updated: 26/08/2021